Music Explosion from Austria! THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX

These two groups have touched the sensitive and explosive strings of their listeners in each of their live performances.
THE ZSA ZSA GABORS and SALAMI SUX, they have already carved their own musicians streets, in the way they know very well, how to win the love of their friends.
So if you travel to Austria, do not forget to listen, it is really necessary to live special moments with their sounds.
The band. Founded in 2013 in the Austrian city of St. Pölten, THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S are conquering the punk rock heaven step by step… it is all about the Punkrock!
The punk band of THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S reflects the current situation in the Austrian political landscape. Restrictions on human rights, interference with the freedom of the press and the reversal of social equilibrium are advancing. Racism and exclusion are becoming socially acceptable. So some of the songs on the album “X” take up exactly these problems. Other songs tell about personal experiences, reviews of the youth and the tour life of the band.
The members of the band are 4 explosive musician… Hurricane Harry (guitar / vocals), Paul le’Buche (guitar & backings), ZZ Gabor (drums & backings) and Mots T. Sux (bass & backings).
The band releases from 2013 until 2020, four albums , LIFE KILLS(2015), REVOLUTION ROCK(2016), BLACK ROADS BLANK THOUGHTS(2017), and in 2020 the album tittled …X!
Also releases two singles & EPs … the first cd/EP in 2013 RED EYES and in 2017 … THE BLACK TAPE (7″, EP)!
The band project SALAMI SUX emerged from the boredom of the lockdown phase of the well-known little thing with 19. With a boisterous mix of punk, garage, rock’n’roll and surf , the trio from St. Pölten, Austria makes you sit up and take notice.
Lone fighter “Salami Recorder” gives the songs a defined style with its incomparable singing and guitar playing.
Bass man “Mots T. Sux” is happy to leave his usual punk structures, which he has celebrated for years in bands like Skeptic Eleptic, Demenzia Kolektiva and The Zsa Zsa Gabor’s. Drummer boy “Thoms’n’Roll”, who was also active in the bands Skeptic Eleptic, Demenzia Kolektiva and Anstalt, beat songs like “Sun is killing me” or “Devil in my neck” with passion.
In February 2021 the band releases the album “Demo Tape ” with 13 swinging and danceable hits in the traditional way on cassette.
In autumn 2021 the double LP release of ” Salami Sux ” and ” Salami Sux ́n’ Roll Vol.1 ” will follow via TOPSY-TURVY RECORDS GERMANY (a division of SOUND FLAT RECORDS – ).
Everything is recorded D.I.Y., although no one has a clue.
Bad? Yes! That is good and wanted! SALAMI SUX!
It was a hot August day, 3 years ago when I met for first time in Austria the musian, Mots T. Sux from St. Pölten!
It was a big surprise for me because Mots T. Sux, is a member from the Two Explosive Bands … THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX!
It is a hot 2021, September in Greece and I very happy because I met him again via internet… Ladies and Gentlemen mister Mots T. Sux… Chatting with us! At first I must tell you that I am very happy to meet you again two years after 2019! Welcome in, my dear Mots!
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): Hello Thodoris! It is always a pleasure to meet you – online or personal! Many common interests have emerged over the time, which is great! Pandemic days and how is your health about all these crazy days?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): I am not afraid of any disease. I try to keep myself healthy as much as possible, through sport and good nutrition. But I also enjoy life, otherwise I would go crazy. … And about the vaccine, what is your opinion about it?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): This is a difficult topic that is currently dividing our society. I still believe that everyone is responsible for their own health. Thus, everyone should be able to decide for or against the vaccination without politics and the pharmaceutical industry interfering. I am currently waiting. O.k Mots , lets talk now about the music. You are a member in two bands, THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX, it is easy for you playing in the two bands?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): If you really want to do something with your heart, you will find time for it. Even if it would be easier to play in only one band, I really enjoy both projects. The Zsa Zsa Gabor’s has been around for almost 10 years now. A deep friendship has developed here among the band members. Salami Sux is a brand new, fresh project. Let’s see where the journey is going. As long as it can be done with family and work, both bands will definitely continue. At first about THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S, one fantastic name but tell us, who gave that name in the band…and why?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): We didn’t want to choose a standard punk name for our punk band. How many bands are there already called “Sick Society” or something like that? We came across Ms. Zsa Zsa Gabor through the internet. Also because our drummer’s name is Gabor. The lady had a very exciting life, scandals, besides, she hit a policeman. That then convinced us to take “The Zsa Zsa Gabor’s”. THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S band is from St. Pölten and I will ask you, it is difficult or… maybe easy, for your band to have fans in all of Austria?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): Austria is a small country. The punk scene is concentrated in a few larger cities, such as Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck or Salzburg. Most of the concerts take place in Vienna. We could probably play there every month, but that doesn’t make any sense either. Over the years I believe that we have a certain degree of awareness in Austria. But we are also very happy that we have so many fans in Germany and the Czech Republic. We really enjoy playing there! The media helps, the news bands in Austria?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): I can recommend the following new bands in Austria: The Rumperts, Vulvarine, Salamirecorder! THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S, is a Punk/Rock group, tell us about your music and about the lyrics of your songs?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): Our common denominator has always been old school punk rock in all its facets – influenced by punk bands from the late 70s and early 80s. We can’t do anything with over-produced music. All of this has to remain down-to-earth and honest music without voice corrections or this.
About the lyrics: every single song has a certain topic that is important to us – in the social, political area or we simply process experiences about our punk past. Some wild things have already happened, as can be heard in part in the song “Always Antif-fascist”. We don’t need trivial topics about girls or any kind of fantasy. Drinking is also an important factor in our songs …… 3 names of your favourite bands?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): Oh dear, there are thousands of bands that I love. I also always listen to different styles of music. Sometimes it’s classic 77 punk, then it’s hardcore again. But also a lot of garage, 60s, soul and ska. In the punk area I would then commit myself to the following great bands: The Clash, The Ramones, Rancid.But there are thousands of smaller bands, I love: The Stitches, The Briefs, Schleim Keim, Hellacopters, Flaming Sideburns, Turbonegro, The Pushers, …. Any plans for the future about THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S ?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): Yes, there are always plans. We are constantly writing new songs. We will also be completing our 5th album soon. Only new music keeps the engine running. Of course we want to play live abroad again soon. We want to play in countries in which we have not played yet, e.g. Hungary, Italy, Poland O.k …but now lets talk about your other band SALAMI SUX , trio, that you are the bass man, formed during the pandemic days! Tell us for what reason they were created, I mean formed?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): During the lockdown period I was very bored, so I looked for musicians to record songs with. Some nice projects developed here. I also exchanged ideas with Felix, who had already recorded some songs under the name Salamirecorder. He has a completely different approach to recording than I was used to before. Everything was much more reduced, trashy, uncomplicated and D.I.Y. I liked that very much right away.
We recorded some songs at home and then met in the rehearsal room and recorded more songs with a cassette recorder. It went really well. We also released these songs ourselves on tape. A few weeks later, the German label Soundflat Records knocked on the door and offered us a record deal for 2 vinyls. Not a bad start I would say. And the influences of SALAMI SUX trio?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): The songs are based on very simple punk structures or rock’n’roll riffs. There are also many gimmicks, such as organ, xylophone, crazy backings. Everything we think of at the moment. There are no rules or guidelines. How can characterize the trio, as a studio or as a live trio. I mean you just perform your music better in studio or in your live shows?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): At the beginning we never had the plan to play live. That only developed later. In the lockdown phase it was of course difficult to play live. But we already had a live broadcast here as well. Our first official concert was in August at a larger open-air festival. We love recording songs, but we love playing live even more. That is what we will concentrate on in the next few months. Actually, we are no longer a trio, as our keyboarder Tobi is now at all concerts. Tell us about the music and the lyrics of your songs?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): It is better, when our listeners speak about our music. We write songs that we enjoy ourselves. It is important to keep the PUNK-factor high. The lyrics are sometimes very spontaneous. Depending on what happened on the day of the recording. For example, Felix had to go to the military for one day, and that’s where the song “Leatherboys” came about. “White Skin” pays homage to all types of milk, whether vegan or animal origin. The future plans of ?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): We definitely want to play a lot live. In December we can be guests at the Soundflat Records label party in Cologne, Germany. We’re looking forward to it. As soon as it is possible again, we would like to play a little tour in Germany. There are already enough ideas for new songs. We will concentrate on record the material in analogue and live. That just has more kick. O.k and now a difficult question for you… put your vote please from 1 to 10 in your bands!
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): Both 10! Full energy for both bands! Something questions now special for you… The first one is… My dear Mots do you remember your first teacher in music?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): My first contact with music was my father’s 50s and 60s rock’n’roll records. From the beginning I was fascinated by the energy in this music. Even when I briefly listened to the hit parade, I always stayed true to this style of music. It was the basis for my later fascination for punk. And since I heard Sex Pistols on the radio, it had happened to me. The second is … Do you remember your first album that you have bought?
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): For a long time I didn’t have the money to buy any records. One of the first albums was probably the Nirvana Nevermind. And the last one send your message to the people.
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): Check out our songs here: https://zsazsagabors.bandcamp.com
Also I must told you that It would be great to play in Greece one day. Your country and people really have a cozy character! Thank you Mots …and I hope to meet you the next year in your town playing live in a Festival… Have all the best time for you and your family also give My greetings in your bands THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX… Stay Safe, Healthy, Happy and PUNK ROCK FOR EVER!
Mots T. Sux (THE ZSA ZSA GABOR’S and SALAMI SUX): Thodoris, thanks a lot for the interview!!! I hope we will meet us soon in Austria or maybe in Greece to exchange punk experiences. All the best!