TURBOBIER …Punk Rock from AUSTRIA An Interview with MARCO POGO
FM4 FREQUENCY FESTIVAL 2019 – 17 August (Saturday)
TURBOBIER is the name of the most important new Punk Rock group in Austria with many fans!
They were created in 2014 … in the densely populated of 11th Vienna’s Simmering Apartment by Marco Pogo, a talented musician and lyricist…
About Greece Marco he told us …’ ‘ I love Greece too! It’s such an amazing country – and I love good Raki! ’ ‘
TURBOBIER live is a really amazing show with a strong energy between the fans and the band … with the front man Marco Pogo on stage!
Their active albums are from 2015 until present – The Irokesentago ( 2015 ) after two years – Das Neue Festament ( 2017 ) and in March 2019 one really great album from the band with the title … KING OF SIMMERING !
AthensCalling GR journalistic team , loves TURBOBIER and the sound of Punk Rock so we had an interview , with MARCO POGO the front man of the band!
ATHENS CALLING: Hi Marco! Hello from Athens – Greece! I am very happy because chatting you! I have to tell you that Athenscalling GR team love too much your TURBOBIER music and… AUSTRIA!
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Oh, that’s great to hear. I love Greece too! It’s such an amazing country – and I love good Raki!
ATHENS CALLING: TURBOBIER is the name of your band, tell us about the godfather of the band name, who is the godfather?
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): TURBOBIER is not just a band, TURBOBIER is a way of life. We are combining all our life principles in TURBOBIER – beer, being out of work, more beer, music, politics – and beer. Don’t see that as ‚ just‘a band making music. Best of all – everyone can become a member of our gang – the ‚TurboBande’.
ATHENS CALLING: And about your music. How can characterize your music genre of your band?
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Well, it’s basically German speaking rock music / punk rock music – the word I made up for that is ‚ Irokesetango.
ATHENS CALLING: O.K tells us please about the lyrics of your songs. I mean with what occasion write the lyrics of your songs.
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): The lyrics I write are mostly inspired by my southern hometown part of Vienna – Simmering. It’s the town’s eleventh district. While other parts of Vienna are experiencing some kind of hip development, my district seems to be left our of all trends. It’s a working class district, loads of panel flats, loads of beer taverns – life in Simmering can be damn inspiring.
ATHENS CALLING: What do you love most, than the two, to play at the studio or at the stage of the festivals?
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Well, it’s always great to perform the songs you’ve written at home all of a sudden in front of thousands of people. Best thing is when the audience starts singing the lyrics you did alone at home. It’s like sharing a special thing. To answer your question: playing live.
ATHENS CALLING: If you like let’s start to talk about the festivals and if you want tell us about your tour… TURBOBIER TOUR 2019.
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Oh, there’s a shitload of concerts and festivals going on. TURBOBIER is going to perform at numerous well-established music festivals in Austria and Germany. In February and March 2019 there’s the album release tour going on, with shows Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Czech Republic. Besides that, I’m also planning the next tours in China and Japan. Did I mention that we love playing live?
ATHENS CALLING: Look…Marco, Athenscalling GR journalistic team, they are fans of FREQUENCY FESTIVAL and your band… TURBOBIER will be in the Lineup of the Festival. Do you have something to say about FREQUENCY FESTIVAL?
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Oh, we love that place. We’ve played Frequency Festival before, it was awesome. The day before our show, we rolled our mobile beer barrel through the camping ground and gave out free beer to the people. It was great. Don’t know about the action that we’re going to start this year, but I’m sure there will be something crazy happening.
ATHENS CALLING: O.K Marco! We can talk now about the World Music Scene, who are your favorite Musicians – Groups and Albums? I mean what is your favorite sound, which you listen, when you have your free time?
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): I’d say RANCID, RAMONES, THE CLASH are within by all-time-favorites. These were one of my first records I bought, and I’m still listening to these bands.
ATHENS CALLING: I think that you will have a favorite song from your band so we would like to tell us about your favorite song from TURBOBIER… Do you have any song?
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Ha-ha, maybe ‚Feuerwehrfestl’. Basically, all the TURBOBIER-songs are hits. There’s no question about it.
ATHENS CALLING: Would you like to tell us about your memories? I mean do you have any fondest musical memories? Maybe in your house? Maybe in your town? Maybe in a festival… Perhaps in an another Country.
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Really hard to remember everything due to the factor beer‘. But the tours in Japan and China are one of the greatest thing you can experience as a band. Touring that far away – with your friends – and as a German speaking band (!) – is just amazing.
ATHENS CALLING: Tell us, about your new album ”King of Simmering ΄΄. I mean about the music and the lyrics of this new… amazing and really great album.
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Oh, thanks a lot for the compliment. We’re are so happy with the album. Everything worked out well, the release-tour was huge and we had loads of beers on that trip. The lyrics are mainly influenced by our hometown Vienna-Simmering and BEER.
ATHENS CALLING: … And about the title of the album, why you choose this title?
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): We’ll, cause I’m pretty much the king in Simmering. For sure (not).
ATHENS CALLING: Now something before say good bye to your really amazing band something about your FREQUENCY FESTIVAL 2019 show. What do you have to show us?
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): This is going to be the biggest TURBOBIER festival show up to now. We’re scheduled to play the sundowner-set on the mainstage. Expect fireworks and stuff ( most of the time, we’re too drunk to use fireworks. If someone falls in pyro …)
ATHENS CALLING:… And your message to the TURBOBIER fans in AUSTRIA …specially to the FREQUENCY FESTIVAL fans …
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Saturday (good day), dusk (good time), Turbo (good beer). See you there.
ATHENS CALLING: Now something about my country.Have you visited Greece and also do you know something about the Greek music?
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Yeah, but just snorkeling and drinking Raki. But I heard you have a great scene. Can’t wait to play with TURBOBIER over there.
ATHENS CALLING: And your future plans?
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Touring touring touring, drinking beers, writing records, snorkeling. Hopefully playing on your beautiful country soon!
ATHENS CALLING:… Did you have something other to say … if you like say it
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Vote for the Austrian Beer-Party!!
ATHENS CALLING: Many thank Marco for your interview! We will meet you at FREQUENCY FESTIVAL 2019…Best regards from Greece my friend.
MARCO POGO (TURBOBIER): Thanks! Looking forward!