February 9, 2025

ROKKO RAMIREZ Chat with Austria’s hardest DJ in the world

Rokko Ramirez was born on Sept. 6th 1969 as Gerold Haubner! He is known for his performances as Austria’s hardest DJ in the world! I remember him from the year 1992 when he was the front man of the ska punk band Jesus Christ Smokes Holy Gasoline until 2012 and I remember also the first EP   of the band, titled ‘’ How To Kill Your Neighbour ‘’ written by Gerold  Haubner! An amazing album, which I had lost it with my bag, somewhere, those years, when I was in Vienna. 

Today Rokko Ramirez ( Gerold Haubner ) is a famous DJ in Austria, who sees himself  as a link,  between a heavy metal band and a rock DJ ! He is known for his performances as Austria’s hardest DJ in the world. His shows are often very complex and consciously flirt with clichés and prejudices. His work as support DJ for Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie brought him public recognition and reports in Austrian media. This was followed by performances with the Venezuelan DJ Zardonic and Croatian DJ Virgin Helena, as well as the Canadian performing artist Zombie Boy and the drummer of indie rock band Madsen, Sascha Madsen.


Internationally his tours in 2013/14, 2015 and 2016/17 brought him to Shenzhen, Bejing, Shanghai and Suzhou, where – aside for other shows – he performed at China’s biggest rock festival – Midi Modern Music Festival  several times.
Because of his commitment to make international music public in China and his exotic appearance Rokko Ramirez was able to reach some kind of a cult status in China. This is backed my masses of people coming to his performances. Rokko Ramirez has therefore been called the most important export since “Mozart balls” by an Austrian newspaper. Rokko Ramirez, released many albums with Vocals- Instruments & Performance – Writing & Arrangement – Visual – Acting Literary & Spoken! In the year 2018 released by Rokko Ramirez an amazing album
΄΄No World Order΄΄ and my opinion is that this album, is the whole truth about the great artist named Rokko Ramirez!

August and Covid-19 pandemic days and a haut Summer day, Athenscalling.gr chat with  ROKKO RAMIREZ … Austria’s hardest DJ in the world!

Athenscalling.gr: Hi Rokko Ramirez and welcome in Athenscalling.gr. I am very happy chatting you!

ROKKO RAMIREZ: Hello dear friend! Finally somebody in Greece wants to know something of me! Thanks for that!

Athenscalling.gr: At first I must ask you, about your stage name!….. Rokko Ramirez I like your latin name but tell us, who was the God father of your stage name and why a Latin name ?

ROKKO RAMIREZ: That goes back to a time when an international catchy DJ name was quite important. The first name is because of my love for red wine mixed with cola, the last name comes from my favorite western movie “Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo”, by Sergio Leone. I have always had a liking for the Mexican culture and also many friends there. So this was the perfect addition so to speak.

Athenscalling.gr: I think that, I will ask you now about your in the past band, mean about “ Jesus Christ Smokes Holy Gasoline”. There is a possibility a reunion of the band? I ask you, because I remember you playing guitar and singing on stage.  

ROKKO RAMIREZ: Hahaha, that’s a good question. If I have to sing again, I will be paid a fortune, because this would be equal to a reunion of bands like ABBA, Boney M. and Led Zeppelin.

Athenscalling.gr: O.k ! Rokko Ramirez as Austria’s hardest DJ in the world! Do you believe it?

ROKKO RAMIREZ: For sure. Just with the name and the associated attribute I have caused some fear among promoters in advance. Hard is not just a question of music but also a lot of other things. As a DJ I never chose the line of least resistance. My diversity and my iron will make me who I am.

Athenscalling.gr: Let’s talk now about your great album released in the year 2018 titled  ΄΄No World Order΄΄ a double questions for You…  How did you come up with the title of this album and how much time did you need to prepare?

ROKKO RAMIREZ: That was an inspiration, which developed because of a dream of my own family history. At some point I had the topics and songs in my head and only had to bring them to tape. With Eve von Klehi I have found a great singer, who was able to turn this inferno into reality. A win-win-situation. It didn’t take long and everything was recorded. We worked together perfectly from the beginning on. The title is also the connection to present times. What have world orders from WW1 until now brought us? Only more wars, hunger, etc…the rich always get richer, also because of different orders. Man should count, not order. Away with cages and for constraints!

Athenscalling.gr: Which one of the 8 songs is your favorite and why?

ROKKO RAMIREZ: Definitely Isonzo. My great grandfather was the locomotive driver of the last Austrian Monarch Karl. He also brought the emporer to the battle fields of Isonzo. At the same time it is some sort of love story, dissolved in poison gas of Monte San Gabriele.

Athenscalling.gr:.. And now tell us your opinion about poet Georg Trakl

ROKKO RAMIREZ: Trakl is one of the most interesting personalities of his time, to be named along Ludwig Wittgenstein and Sigmund Freud. His poems have accompanied me since I have been twelve years old. My grandmother was born in the confusion of the recapture of Grodek around 1915. A crazy story, for which a whole album wouldn’t be enough. Also the poems of Georg Trakl deserve more attention. On the new album a new musical setting will be found, that much can already be said now.

Athenscalling.gr: About your logo I like it, is a visual logo Who created it ?

ROKKO RAMIREZ: The name with the headphones was done by Kerstin Kofler, who has also done some merch ideas for me in the past. The black metal logo on the album is a US designer’s font, modified by yours truly. It has to be harder, that’s why there are two logos. Headphones for the DJ, black metal for the band. Maybe you will get to hear the latter play live, whenever this will be possible again.

Athenscalling.gr:  … Rokko with guitar sing a song or Rokko as DJ, on stage?

ROKKO RAMIREZ: I don’t think it is necessary to impose my ability of singing to myself or others ever again. That was yesterday and that’s where it should stay. I still like playing the guitar and still have fun with my band mates. What comes out of this, we shall see. As a DJ I am in another world and I would like it to stay that way. The best thing is you don’t have to share the salary – because it is not that much.

Athenscalling.gr: How are your fans in Austria?

ROKKO RAMIREZ: My fans are very diverse, from heavy metal to Schlager punk :- ) I never wanted to exclude anyone except for Nazis. I stand by this.

Athenscalling.gr:  Tell me about your musical preferences?

ROKKO RAMIREZ:  I’m also very flexible when it comes to this. I like everything from black metal to punk and also ska – if there’s a good melody or a catchy song.
That goes from Marduk, Joy Division, Dinosaur Jr., The Specials to David Bowie, from ABBA, Boney M., Peter Alexanders, Karel Gott, Udo Jürgens to Zarah Leander and L. Andersen.

Athenscalling.gr: And about your free time … any hobbies ?

ROKKO RAMIREZ: I liked playing soccer as a kid, now a days I prefer watching it makes it easier to drink beer and you don’t have to move as much. Wiener Sport club plays on the oldest still played field in Europe. I can remember 7-0 against Juventus Turin in 1958 pretty well , ha ha ha ha ha. Since the EM 2017 I have also developed a liking for women’s soccer. My favorite teams here are also Wiener Sportclub and SKN St. Pölten women. Two dream teams and you leave it at that.

Athenscalling.gr: You are also NOVA ROCK FESTIVAL promoter. At the moment how difficult is it ? 

ROKKO RAMIREZ: The whole world is going through tough times at the moment. I don’t want to comment more than that.

Athenscalling.gr: Do you have to tell us something about Greece?

ROKKO RAMIREZ: I’d love to come to Greece and DJ in some really heavy joints. Maybe you can do something about that? After my final exam I came to your beautiful country, but only for swimming. I’d love to see Akropolis, Termoplyen and your other cultural places and treasures. Why not play open air in an amphitheater? The magic surely hasn’t been lost in those many thousand years. There is a reason it is called Europe’s cradle.

Athenscalling.gr: Thank you Rokko , all the best to you and to your Family!  Stay Healthy- Strong… and Hard… Thank you!

ROKKO RAMIREZ: Thanks to you too, for your tireless work for art and culture!
Also best wishes and health to you and your family!
We see each other soon, that is a promise!

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