February 16, 2025

FRANKIE ROSE… Interview with the Dream pop Queen!

FRANKIE ROSE is an amazing American musician and songwriter she was the original member of the indie- dream pop groups, Crystal Stilts, Dum Dum Girls, Vivian Girls and Beverly!

Frankie Rose has made 5 albums and for sure, I believe that every band she plays in turns to gold and for this reason it is necessary you to have all Frankie Rose, the five albums, in your bag… I mean the albums, Frankie Rose and the Outs in 2010, Interstellar in 2012, Herein Wild in 2013, Careers in 2014, also Rose’s version of Seventeen Seconds that it limited to 1,000 copies and only be released on vinyl through for $25 a month, for the members of the club, which will receive one full-length cover album each month that has been exclusively recorded for the service and won’t be released elsewhere and in 2017 the brilliant album…΄΄Cage Tropical΄΄ with 4 versions, before her new album which will realized in a few months, because  it is  in the final stage of mixing!

Not surprisingly after the artistic crisis, she went through, in to΄΄Cage Tropical ΄΄ the album contains 10 songs and the sound of it remains vast!

΄΄Cage Tropical΄΄ is an album that it is very difficult to choose a song, all songs lead you to the simple and separately musical Paths between the intense rhythm and the melody.

FRANKIE ROSE is a musician, who writes her story with golden letters in the music book …  her musical creations, have always the Frankie Rose stamp!

Living in the past , the album ΄΄Cage Tropical΄΄… was her big come back in the year 2017… and this album after 4 years… it still alive until today… in the year 2021!

We love ΄΄Cage Tropical΄΄ and this was the occasion chatting with the Dream Pop Queen … FRANKIE ROSE!

Athenscalling.gr: Welcome in Athens – Greece! My dear Frankie Rose … Dream Pop Queen!


Athenscalling.gr: Where you are now and how pass all these crazy… Pandemic days of COVID-19?

FRANKIE ROSE: Hello! Well, I have been in the studio recording two new records! One is a new project called “Fine place” and that record comes out in June on Night School records and the second is a Frankie Rose record and I am finishing  that up currently.. I feel very lucky that I have been able to keep busy during the pandemic 

Athenscalling.gr: U.S.A today with new Government … without Donald John Trump can ask you how do you feel with the new President of America?

FRANKIE ROSE: I can confidently speak for half the country by saying that we are having a collective sigh of relief. Although Biden wasn’t even in my top 5 choices for president,  I have hope that he will do a much better job handling the Covid 19 crisis and will not go after basic human rights the way our former president did.

Athenscalling.gr:  O.k let’s talk now about your music,… the last 3 days in my office I was listening your album  ΄΄Cage Tropical΄΄ I believe that it is a great album… and it still alive until today. I love all the songs of your album…

FRANKIE ROSE: To be honest , it was so long ago now I don’t actually have much to say about it anymore. It feels like a relic of a time and space I was occupying at the time… I have been working in my new album for the last two years and I’m very excited about it…

Athenscalling.gr: I have in my bag 4 of your album and I like very much your Lyrics and your music… on what occasion do you write the lyrics and the music?

FRANKIE ROSE: I try to make music everyday.. Since we have been stuck at home there is rarely a moment that i am not working on music or lyrics!

Athenscalling.gr: I like very much your  song ΄΄Red Museum΄΄… Do you want to tell us the story of it.

FRANKIE ROSE: That is a very Juliee cruise inspired song.. I wanted it to have a bit of a twin peaks vibe.. i’m not sure if i succeeded or not?

Athenscalling.gr: Do you believe in love and what you love most in your life?

FRANKIE ROSE: I do! I think maybe it’s the only thing that matters! I love a lot of people but I think the thing that keeps my life worth living, is definitely ….. Music  

Athenscalling.gr: Let’s travel now in the past… Do you remember your first teacher in music?

FRANKIE ROSE: I do. My first teachers in music were my best friends in my first punk band. We didn’t know what the hell we were doing, but that was what made it so special.. There was no judgment and no rules, so we were totally free to make mistakes and play and get better.

Athenscalling.gr: … And your first album which you bought? 

FRANKIE ROSE: The Smiths – Hatful of hollow

Athenscalling.gr: … The best moment in your life, until now? That’s

FRANKIE ROSE: That’s impossible! There have been too many!

Athenscalling.gr: Do you still play the drums?… or not.

FRANKIE ROSE: nope. I don’t even use live drums while recording anymore..

Athenscalling.gr: And now give us your TOP 5 … with the 5 best for you… maybe drummers?

FRANKIE ROSE: To be honest I have mostly been listening to electronic music and a lot of ambient stuff with no drummers at all… I really like, Andy Stott, HTRK, Jenny Hval, Cindy, Miami 

Athenscalling.gr: Any plans for the future… or something else about your new album?

FRANKIE ROSE: Almost finished! Final mixing now! No plans for whom or when it will be put it out yet…

Athenscalling.gr: And before the end of the interview, do you have something to say about my country… I mean about Greece! 


Athenscalling.gr: Thank you my dear DREAM POP QUEEN… all the best to you and to your life.

FRANKIE ROSE: Thanks to you ! And with any luck… I will see you soon!



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