FINDLAY… Interview with a Brand New English Musician

A few days before FM4 FREQUENCY FESTIVAL the music fest in Austria and more specifically in Sankt Pölten from August 16th to 19th we have an interview with Natalie Rose Findlay(FINDLAY at the stage),a Brand new English musician (FM4 FREQUENCY FEST – Thursday 17/08 at 16:55)
ATHENS CALLING: Hey … Natalie Rose !
Athens Calling speaking and for sure we are very happy to talk you ,because you are an amazing musician !
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : Hey, happy to talk to you guys too.
ATHENS CALLING: When and why did you start playing and which instruments do you play?
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : I’ve always been singing but I picked up a guitar when I was about 15 and started to teach myself a few things. I still don’t think I’m an amazing guitarist yet maybe check back in another ten years. I play a little bit of piano as well. I would definitely class my voice as my first instrument.
ATHENS CALLING: Who was your first Music teacher?
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : No ones managed to hold my attention long enough to properly teach me I don’t think. I’m so impatient I have to do things by myself or I don’t really learn. My uncle taught me a little bit of guitar but I never had proper lessons in anything.
ATHENS CALLING: Were you influenced by old records & tapes? Which ones ?
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : I grew up listening to a lot of Lou Reed, the Velvet Underground , Iggy pop, David Bowie and lots of jazz like Louis Armstrong and Billie Holiday. I come from quite a musical family so there was always something new (old old?) and exciting being played around the house as well as all the old classics. I was pretty lucky to have grown up listening to so much great music.
ATHENS CALLING: Something now about your musical memories .What are your fondest musical memories? In your house? In your neighborhood or town?
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : I have great memories of going to gigs when I as a teenager in Manchester. Pretty lucky to live in a city that big and have every band I loved pass through on tour so I got to go to a gig almost every week although I can’t remember how I used to afford it. I remember going to see the Strokes and the White Stripes when I was about 15 it was totally life changing for me. My most recent musical memories I treasure have been writing in the house I was living in France for 8 months, making another record. I won’t forget that for a while.
ATHENS CALLING: What genre of music, you love more and why?
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : I love rock n roll. It’s always going to be number one for me. There’s a spirit that doesn’t come just from the music but the people who make it and the lifestyle. It’s just cool. To be honest though I love most music across all genres, as long as the songwriting is good then it doesn’t matter the style for me.
ATHENS CALLING: What is the reason, that you write the lyrics and the music of your songs?
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : I think if I didn’t I’d go mad. I have a lot of emotions that get let out through songwriting and performance. I’d be some fucked up ball of rage if I didn’t get to do this. Or I would become even more passive aggressive. I feel like the older I get the more I’m seeing the world and the human race for what it really is and I want to write about it. We’re all fucked but I’m not leaving this planet before I have my say.
ATHENS CALLING: Let’s talk now about ΄΄ Monomania΄΄ it is really a great song tell us about it… about the story of the lyrics.
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : I’m not the biggest fan of this song I felt we were rushed to have one more single on the album. Lyrically I wanted something kind of generic to please the label if I’m honest.It’s about being fucking obsessed with someone to the point you become a nutter but obviously sugar coated and packaged into a 3 minute pop song.
ATHENS CALLING: Tell us please about your Band
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : The current line up is Jules on bass and keyboard, he also produced the album. Ben is the lead guitarist and Cristina is our drummer. They’re all great guys. Very lucky to find people who aren’t only amazing musicians but great people. We’re a really solid group now we’ve toured so much together we’re almost like family.
ATHENS CALLING: O.K about Your Band ! Today we have many names in the music scene and I must ask you who are your favorite musicians? Groups? CD’s ?
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : Right now I’m really digging Black Honey, Dream Wife, Weaves, Kali Kuchis, Mattiel, The Lemon Twigs, Idles and re listening to a lot of Beatles classics and George Harrison soundtrack to wonder wall has been on repeat a lot this weekend.
ATHENS CALLING: Would you like to tell us, if you know a Greek songwriter or a singer or a song?
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : I’m so sorry I’m so out of it when it comes to Greek music!!
ATHENS CALLING: Concerts or studio which is your preference
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : I love both. I love the feeling of freedom you get when you do a great performance. I’m high for a long time. Studio highs are fewer and farther between but when you record something unbelievable it’s so exciting… then you want to go play it live.
ATHENS CALLING: O.K Natalie thank you so much for the interview We will meet you at FREQUENCY FESTIVAL in AUSTRIA … on this occasion have you
something to say for the fans of the FREQUENCY .
NATALIE ROSE FINDLAY : Can’t wait to play Frequency Festival! I love Austria so much it’s going to be amazing! And the line up is sick!
ATHENS CALLING: Goodbye Natalie ,see you soon at FREQUENCY FESTIVAL