Talking with… CHRYSTA BELL

ATHENS CALLING: Hi from Athens, dear Chrysta Bell. You must know that we are very happy to talk to you and that’s because, you have so many talents, around the arts!
CHRYSTA BELL ZUCHT : Hello! Thank you so much. A pleasure to communicate with you as well!
ATHENS CALLING: About your talents. You are Singer-Songwriter-Model and Actress! Really, what you like most of all and why?
CHRYSTA BELL ZUCHT: I am a musician first and foremost. Music is my lifelong passion. There is a feeling from being onstage my amazing band and performing the music I have written that is unlike any feeling I experience in my life. It’s thrilling, sometimes terrifying, and deeply satisfying for me. Modeling and acting are very enjoyable and fulfilling in different ways, but music is truly where my heart and focus are.
ATHENS CALLING: We continue talking about your talents and now if you want please mark us, with one word the following…
– Fashion – Music – Cinema-.
CHRYSTA BELL ZUCHT: Fashion=theater,Music=meditation,Cinema=transformation
ATHENS CALLING: At the moment we would like to talk about, one of your talents that I love most, I mean about the music! When and why did you start singing?
CHRYSTA BELL ZUCHT: My mother is a singer. When I was young and I would see her sing and she looked so happy, so vibrant and self -actualized. The people who heard her sing also received joy from the process. I have very positive associations with the expression of the voice in song. It was the easiest most natural thing in the world for me to love music and want to sing. My desire to sing was inescapable, not that I was trying!
ATHENS CALLING: In fact, how we can characterize your music, I mean about the music genre?
CHRYSTA BELL ZUCHT: Always a tough question to answer and more so than ever because my genre seems to be changing. Dream pop was an appropriate genre for the music I made with David Lynch, but I don’t know that all my current releases or the songs I am writing fit neatly in that category. One song off my new EP, Blue Rose, could be called dream pop. But the others have more of an edge and different kind of intensity. Maybe I need to come up with my own genre? Pop Noir? I’ll think about it. I guess for now we can just call it “alternative”.
ATHENS CALLING: Which one from your discography albums is your favorite and why.
CHRYSTA BELL ZUCHT: Like choosing a favorite child! Impossible. And there are so many recordings that have never been released. They are each my favorite and least favorite in different ways.
ATHENS CALLING: And about your solo amazing c.d ‘’We Dissolve’’ tell us about it
CHRYSTA BELL ZUCHT: I had the great pleasure to work with the wonderful producer John Parish on We Dissolve. My songwriting partner and I wrote many songs and made demos. We took the demos to John and he helped us craft the album with his expert direction. The result is a record I am very proud of and contains some transcendent moments.
ATHENS CALLING: Who are your favorite musicians, Groups, CD’s?
CHRYSTA BELL ZUCHT: Like choosing my favorite star in the sky! Music can move me so deeply and there are so many artist that blow me away. I am currently obsessed with Julie London because I am reading her biography, Go Slow, and I feel a deep connection to her as an artist. I love musicians who sing and play with their entire beings. Some current favorite bands and artists are Alabama Shakes, Aldous Harding, and Moses Sumney.
ATHENS CALLING: Returning to your music career, tell us about your collaboration with the great name of David Lynch, how much helped your music career.
CHRYSTA BELL ZUCHT: David has been a significant part of my life in one way or another for the last 18 years. We wrote my debut solo album together and he’s been gracious with his public support of me as an artist over the course of my career. This kind of thing is very precious for an otherwise unknown artist. The music we have made together is powerful and meaningful to me.
ATHENS CALLING: And now tell us please about your shows in the year 2018 because I think that you have many to tell ,in your World Fans.
CHRYSTA BELL ZUCHT: The show we are giving on tour in April will be Full On. It will be very dynamic because I have songs that are almost whispers and songs that I sing with my entire body. We will be performing the music from my new EP, Chrysta Bell, for the first time ever. The band I am bringing are very accomplished, creative and nuanced musicians extremely adept at delivering moody, dreamy, sensual, dark musical atmospheres.
ATHENS CALLING: Just before I say goodbye to you, I would like you to send a message to the Greek fans
CHRYSTA BELL ZUCHT: We will be together soon. Let’s make the most of this exquisite opportunity.
ATHENS CALLING: Best Regards from Athens Chrysta Bell !