February 16, 2025

HER CHARIOT AWAITS Interview with Vocalist … AILYN

HER CHARIOT AWAITS is the name of a Great New Hard Rock/Metal Band featuring the artistic union between American virtuoso guitarist and producer Mike Orlando (Adrenaline Mob) and regarded ex-Sirenia, amazing Spanish vocalist Pilar Giménez García (aka Ailyn) on lead vocals, the other members of HER CHARIOT AWAITS are Brian Gearty (Quincy Mumford & The Reason Why) on bass guitar and Jeff Thal (Bumblefoot) on Drums .The band’s self-titled, really amazing, debut album had released on May 22, 2020 via Frontiers Music s.r.I

We must say that this exciting new musical alliance between Mike Orlando and Ailyn, came about through the vision of Frontiers, who put the two artists – each eager to create a new and exciting project – in touch. The pair gelled extremely well, creating an album that offers songs that will excite all lovers of technical, aggressive, modern and extremely catchy heavy music.

The album HER CHARIOT AWAITS contains 11 amazing songs, with music that is geared more towards the commercial side of rock written produced & mixed by Mike Orlando who play also guitars, bass, additional vocals, Ailyn – lead vocals ,Jeff Thal on drums and Brian Gearty on bass guitar.

I believe that the album is a remarkable THE GREAT UNION of GREAT ARTISTS who still have a lot to prove and of the 11 songs we liked all the songs but especially for us are …“Take Me Higher”, “ Dead & Gone”, “Screaming Misfire”, ”Just Remember” and K.D LANG cover “Constant Craving” ! 

Autumn 2020 pandemic season September listening many times the album H.C.A we sent an email to Frontiers Music sr.I, about request an interview with HER CHARIOT AWAITS!  A few days later we had an interesting interview via email, with Spanish vocalist Pilar María Del Carmen Mónica Giménez García… the Amazing Ailyn!

Athenscalling.gr: Hi my dear Ailyn and welcome on Athenscalling.gr website magazine. I must say to you that it is a great time to chat with you…   

ΑILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): Thank you! It’s great to talk to you guys!

Athenscalling.gr: Where are you now and how pass all these crazy days of the pandemic days of Covid – 19?

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): Right now I’m home in Norway. But when all the pandemic started it catched me in Spain visiting my family, so I found myself stuck in Spain for three and a half months before I was able to travel home. But everything was fine there, we were all fine, healthy and in good company.

Athenscalling.gr: Difficult days for the music… I mean for the people just around in all of music project! What you predictions for the future… any prediction… any light?

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): Well, it’s difficult to say as none knows for sure when we are going to be able to start doing shows. But I’m crossing my fingers that soon we will be able to start touring and promoting our new album as it deserves.

Athenscalling.gr:  O.k Ailyn, let’s talk now about your new band mysterious name HER CHARIOT AWAITS… who was the Godfather of the name?

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): Actually it was Mike who came up with that name. We both were exchanging name ideas for a while. One of the days he told me he would really like to find a “three words name” for the band. And if I’m not mistaken, I think Her Chariot Awaits was one of the first names he told me he had in mind.

Athenscalling.gr: How is your collaboration with Mike Orlando?

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): It was fantastic! To be able to work with Mike was a great experience for me. He’s such a great guy and a wonderful musician. I had a great time on the studio, and as I was there for two weeks also helped us to know each other a bit, as while we where making the demo he was in New York and I in Norway. So working with him was awesome!

Athenscalling.gr:… And about the other members of the band?

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): They are such a nice people! Mike knew them from before, I met them the day we were filming our music video for Dead & Gone. It was nice to be able to talk to them while filming and get to know them a little bit. I can’t wait to start touring with them.

Athenscalling.gr: Tell us about your debut album… via Frontiers Music srΙ.

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): All I can say about our debut album are good things. If you really like metal music and catchy tunes, you’ll have to hear the album to find out. But I promise you won’t regret it. We had a really good time recording and we think it really translates into the music itself.

Athenscalling.gr: Your favorite song from the album?

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): Oh well, that’s a difficult question, as I like all of them. But I really like singing Line of Fire. I don’t know, I guess it’s because I like the vibe of the song. But as I said, I could say the same with all the other songs, the entire album is powerful and catchy.

Athenscalling.gr: I must tell you that I like very much K.D LANG cover “Constant Craving” from HER CHARIOT AWAITS and I think that it is a great moment for your voice, perhaps a new video clip… What have you to say about ?

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): Yes, I agree with you. I love Constant Craving. When Mike sent me the demo I really liked it, I thought it was dark and mysterious. I’m very happy in the end the song really made it into the album. For now there’s no plans to make a music video for that song, but if we could do it, I would love to.

Athenscalling.gr: Let’s travel in the past and if you want it, tell us about your first musical memories… Something about your first teacher in your school do you have it or… something about your first song that you had sung when you was young… and something about your first disc that you bought. I mean all about your youth less memories.      

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): My first musical memories are from when I was 11 years old at school. Our English teacher was very into music, so in every class he always brought music with him for us to hear. It was my favorite class because of the music. One time he brought us the song “Hero” from Mariah Carey, at that time was when she was getting quite known everywhere. I never heard her before, but her voice touched something on me, and since that day I decided I wanted to be a singer. My first music teacher was in high school. I was supposed to take flute lessons, but me and two other girls asked the teacher if instead of playing flute we could choose guitar, which  luckily for us she agreed. After some lessons with her, she recommended me to find a music school. I can’t remember exactly which was the first song I ever sang, but probably was one of the ones I got at school with the English teacher. Probably was “Hero” from Mariah, as I can remember coming home and telling my mom. “Mom, hear me out! We learnt this song at school and I love it! I want to be a singer!”.

Athenscalling.gr: And about your best and your bad memories? Have you to say something?

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): My best memories without a doubt is going on tour and doing what I love most. Having the chance to know different parts of the world and see our fans enjoying our music, it makes me feel joy.    I try to avoid any memory that makes me feel sad, it’s not like I want to forget them, they are still there, but I prefer to focus on the good ones instead.

Athenscalling.gr: Your preferences please, singer- song writer, band and song.

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): That’s impossible for me to answer, there’s too many good artists/bands out there that I love. The same with songs, today I could mention a favorite one, and tomorrow I would say a different one.

Athenscalling.gr: Your country is the number one in football game, do you have any preferences about it… I mean a football team or football player?

AILYN  (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): haha I know, but I might admit I’m not a futbol fan. If I have to choose a team that I like, I might say Real Madrid. But as I said, I don’t watch it. But if I watch some it’s because some friends come over to see it. But normally this just happens when there’s any important match as for example if Spain is playing against someone important, but that’s all.

Athenscalling.gr: Returning to music… Any plants for HER CHARIOT AWAITS, about a new single… about concerts… or anything you like…

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): Not for now, but hopefully we will start tiding up things soon.

Athenscalling.gr: Tell us something about Greece… You must know that you have many fans in my country.

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): I love Greece. The first time I visited your country was when I went on tour with my former band, but we didn’t have the time to tour the country. But I went back some years after to film a music video with my friends from Enemy of Reality and during the time I was in Greece I stayed with my dear friend Maxi Nil, we had a great time together, she took me everywhere. Such a beautiful country you have, and I have to admit that I loved the food!

Athenscalling.gr: My dear Ailyn thank you for the interview and all the best to you and to your band…… Hoping in a better future we hope you’re all safe and healthy! Stay safe healthy and well – Best Regards from Greece!

AILYN (HER CHARIOT AWAITS): Thanks for everything and I hope when all this pandemic goes back to normal or at least as normal as it can be, HCA will have the chance to tour your country. I’m looking forward to it! Stay safe everyone!

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