COVID-19 while the Pandemic is sweeping the planet Earth, the World of Music sends own messages of optimism to everyone, at ATHENS CALLING G.R!
ANNA MARTINEZ- Head of Communication, Marketing of ROCK EN SEINE FESTIVAL
Hi Athens Calling!
I hope you’re well despite the difficult times we’re living right now.
My message would be: “Stay home, stay safe, so we could enjoy again very soon again live music, festivals and good time’s altogether!”
Take care of you,
Thank you!
VAGELIS GERMANOS- Composer, Lyricist, Singer, Actor
Hello Athens Calling!
My message is! We are now staying at home, so that we can all go out again WITHOUT DISCOUNTS, when the evil is over!
Hi Athens Calling!
Very difficult times and in such it is even more difficult to send a positive message!
On the other hand life goes on, as it always goes on, covid won`t end our life’s.
So it is a very good time for getting energy back which one lost over all these years!
We hope to see you all at 20 years of Frequency in August 2020 ! If not we will
Come even stronger and more hyped up back for Novarock and Frequency 2021 edition!
All the best
Harry Jenner
ECHOBELLY – British Indie Rock Band
Hi Athens Calling!
Greetings to all of you in Athens! Hope you are all keeping safe and listening to advice about staying home and social distancing. It seems to be the only thing that will kerb this pandemic.
We’re wishing all of you good health and remember, this too shall pass!
God bless and stay safe!
Glenn & Sonya
Dear loyal Nova Rock fans, dear media partners!
Unfortunately, difficult times also require difficult decisions.
As recently announced by the Federal Chancellor in the current press conference no concerts and festivals will be allowed until the end of June.
This means that the NOVA ROCK Festival 2020 will not take place due to the tragic Covid19 pandemic and is therefore cancelled. As organizers, we stand, of course, 100% behind this government decision, although we would have preferred this decision much earlier.
It’s a shame, of course, because we were in the middle of the preparations to make the NOVA ROCK Festival 2020 another unforgettable experience for you, but this is a situation that we, as the organizers, completely understand and support. Health is the most important thing!
Please consider that all measures that have to be taken now are completely new for everyone involved. Please give us time to organize everything here and to provide you with further information as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding, trust and in advance for your patience!
Ewald Tatar and the NOVA ROCK Festival Team
Stay healthy!
PAUL ROBERTS- Singer,Songwriter,Painter (SNIFF ’N’ THE TEARS)
Hi Athens Calling!
Not sure I have anything to add to the debate about this extraordinary global event. I can only hope that it is a massive wake up call that will change our assumptions about entitlement and greed versus empathy and care. One thing we have all learned is that there are a lot of good people out there and they are not a luxury they are necessity.
Love Paul
CLEMENTINE- Drummer, Vocalist, Songwriter(ZEPPELIN band ZEPPARELLA)
(San Francisco/ California/U.S.A)
Hi Athens Calling!
I want to say hello to our friends in Greece! We’re in our third week of quarantine here in California, and it has been such a strange time, with so many lessons. There are a few things I have been doing to keep sane here. I spend some time each morning sending out gratitude to all those who are helping others: those working in hospitals, those working with people in poverty or without homes, and those who keep the grocieries open, deliveries, and other vital services. I am so gratefu for my living situation and to be healthy for the moment. In the mornings, I meditate on the gratitude I feel for those on the front lines, and those who are struggling.
This situation has been yet another reminder that change is inevitable. When there is a big shock like this, I remember this is no different than any other time: things can change drastically in any moment. We step off a curb, we have a realization, or a shocking thing happens, instantly, and everything is different. So it’s up to me to value each moment as precious. To value my family and friends and time spent with them as precious. To let the small stuff go and live in gratitude for what Is.
After all of this, I try to focus on the good things. The wonderful clean air, a deeper connection (from 6 feet away) with my neighbors, and a better understanding of what is most important in my life. Other people, art, creativity, laughing, and music. I hope that some of these lessons we are learning help us move into a different world once this virus has run its course.
I am happy to have time to learn some new Led Zeppelin songs! I dream of being able to be on stage again. I can’t wait to be in a room with many people, letting the music wash over us, and feeling how deeply we are connected. Other people make me happy. That’s been a big lesson during this time. I can’t wait to celebrate music together again!
Deep love and support to all who are suffering. Sending so much love, health, and happiness to everyone.
Thank you!